
Facial rejuvenation procedures from Dr. Amie Miller can turn back the hands of time and provide a more youthful and refreshed appearance. From smoothing away signs of age and fatigue to refining facial and neck contours, our board-certified plastic surgeon customizes all treatment plans to produce results that look natural yet still achieve exceptional cosmetic enhancement.

More information on Dr. Miller’s surgical facial rejuvenation options can be found below. Please contact us today with any questions you may have, or to schedule a consultation.

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Facelift surgery is a procedure designed to reduce signs of age and excess, inelastic skin in the lower third of the face and the upper part of the neck. This treatment has remained one of the most frequently sought-after cosmetic surgeries for decades. A facelift can benefit both women and men with its ability to address facial skin laxity, loose skin under the chin, deep folds and wrinkles surrounding the mouth, and jowls along the jawline. Dr. Miller is very careful to design the procedure in a way that can provide effective rejuvenation without producing an unnatural or “windblown” appearance. Incisions for this procedure are typically made in discreet areas around the temples and within the hairline, so scarring should be barely noticeable.

Facelift surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis. Most individuals are able to return to work and other daily routines after approximately two weeks. Bruising and swelling will be present after the procedure; however, these effects should begin to fade over the course of recovery, and residual discomfort can be mitigated with medication.

Neck Lift

A neck lift can be an ideal option for patients who are experiencing sagging, loose skin in the neck that’s affecting the aesthetic of their facial profile. During neck lift surgery, Dr. Miller will remove excess skin, tighten neck muscles and the remaining skin, and generally provide a smoother and more defined contour.

Neck lift surgery is an outpatient procedure and will require general anesthesia. Recovery takes about two weeks for most patients before resuming normal daily activities. Some degree of neck lifting is typically included in a facelift procedure; however, a full neck lift treatment can be performed as a standalone treatment, as well.

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery, also referred to as “blepharoplasty” or an “eyelid lift,” can be an effective way to rejuvenate the skin around the eyelids for a more refreshed and rested appearance. Dr. Miller can perform upper and/or lower eyelid surgery to diminish signs of excess skin, puffiness, under-eye bags, and other common concerns.

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Brow Lift

Brow lift surgery can produce a remarkable rejuvenating effect for the upper area of the face. This treatment can be ideal for patients who would like to heighten the position of eyebrows that may appear to descend too low over the eyes. Also known as a “forehead lift,” brow lift surgery is additionally capable of smoothing away wrinkles along the forehead and reducing signs of frown lines. Incisions for this treatment are often made within the hairline, so scarring following the procedure is typically very discreet.

Brow lift surgery can be performed as an outpatient. At least one week of recovery is necessary for most individuals; however, this will vary among patients. Swelling and bruising in the treatment area should fade significantly during the healing process.

Chin Augmentation

Patients with a recessed chin and those who would like to alter the contour and definition of the chin may be ideal candidates for chin augmentation. Dr. Miller can position a silicone implant inside the chin or surgically modify its structure to achieve individual goals. This treatment can ultimately enhance a diminutive chin, improve chin shape and projection, reduce signs of a cleft or other concerns, and renew balance and harmony among facial features. Recovery from outpatient chin augmentation surgery usually requires less than one week of rest before returning to daily routines.

Otoplasty – Ear Surgery

Otoplasty (ear pinning surgery) is a procedure that can reduce signs of large or prominent ears that may excessively protrude from the sides of the head. Ear surgery can also be utilized to adjust the shape of the ears and restore the appearance of damaged ears. This treatment is an outpatient procedure and can be performed for adults and children whose ears are fully developed (typically after about five years of age). Approximately one week of recovery is necessary following otoplasty, and the ears will need to be protected for several weeks to reduce the potential for harm.

Buccal Fat Removal – Bichectomy

Buccal fat removal (medically known as a “bichectomy”) is a procedure that is often referred to as “cheek reduction.” This treatment can remove excess fatty tissue in the cheeks and reshape the remainder to achieve enhanced definition and a slender, less “round” facial appearance. Buccal fat removal typically requires incisions on the inside of the mouth, so there should be no visible scarring that results from this procedure. In most cases, only about one to two days of recovery is necessary before resuming work and other daily routines.

Lip Lift

A surgical lip lift may be a good solution for lips that are quite thin and those that are showing signs of age. Lip lift surgery typically involves removal of a small amount of skin over the upper lip. The remaining skin will be delicately pulled together, which can allow more of the upper lip tissue to show. Ultimately, this can enhance the lip’s contour and make it look plumper than it did previously. The scar from a lip lift is usually well-concealed in the natural crease under the nose. Surgical lip lifts can sometimes be considered as a more permanent alternative to dermal fillers and injectable lip augmentation procedures.

Neck and Jawline/Submental Liposuction

For patients who are experiencing a “double chin” or a collection of excess fat in the jawline area, liposuction may be an ideal treatment to consider. Precise removal of isolated fat pockets in these areas can provide the neck and jawline with a more refined contour, which can ultimately have a positive effect on the entire facial aesthetic for many patients. With this in mind, liposuction will not be effective for patients who have chin and jawline concerns that are primarily caused by loose, inelastic skin rather than fat. In those cases, a facelift or a neck lift may be the best solution. Dr. Miller can examine your concerns during the initial consultation and determine which procedure is better able to meet your goals.

Facial Fat Transfer

Fat transfer to the face can enhance volume to certain facial features and minimize signs of age using the patient’s own fat cells harvested from another area of the body. Also referred to as “fat grafting” or “fat injections,” this treatment is known to create results that last much longer than what can be achieved by many of today’s injectable dermal fillers. Plus, facial fat transfer offers patients an additional cosmetic benefit in that the fat cells must be taken from another body region via liposuction, which has the effect of rejuvenating that area as well.

Dr. Miller will be happy to meet with you for an initial consultation to discuss your facial rejuvenation goals. If you would like information on our facial plastic surgery options, or if you are ready to schedule your consultation, please contact Foothills Plastic Surgery.